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光年之外 MV 終於在YouTube破兩億點擊❤️ 這也是第一首在YouTube破兩億的華語歌曲😭😭😭 剛剛翻看兩年多前拍MV當天的照片和視頻,記憶猶新,居然今天這首歌就破兩億了,真的是”我沒想到”!謝謝大家與我一起寫下歷史,以後繼續努力💪🏻💪🏻💪🏻 “Light Years Away” Official MV has finally reached 200,000,000 views on YouTube! It’s also the first Chinese song to hit 200,000,000 views! Can’t believe this is happening😭😭😭 Thanks for writing history with me, together we’ll go even further in the future!!! G.E.M. 鄧紫棋 - 《光年之外》官方MV https://youtu.be/T4SimnaiktU #再上YouTube看一遍吧 #紀念一下 #謝謝大家 #Thanksforwritinghistorywithme #200million #firstchinesesongtohit200million

光年之外 MV 終於在YouTube破兩億點擊❤️ 這也是第一首在YouTube破兩億的華語歌曲😭😭...